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Material safety data sheets

Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are required when selling hazardous chemicals. The user must be provided with the relevant MSDS by the manufacturer, importer or retailer.

MSDS are organized into 16 sections for Europe and provide important information in addition to that provided on the label.

They include the measures to be taken in the event of fire or spillage, indications on disposal of the product and information on its transport and the relevant regulations.

It is important to note however that the different sections of material safety data sheets are filled in very inconsistently according to the manufacturer and the product.

Find out more

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides general information on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
on its website: www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/legisl/msdss.html




Last update: 09/12/2014